Featured image credit: Brooke Lark via Unsplash
New Year’s resolutions are never a matter of “have to” so much as a “want to.” Sometimes they’re a “pressured to,” since they’re such a common topic in January. Whether you’re trying to figure out what your resolution should be or just want to start the year off strong, here are some tips on hosting a successful resolution kickoff party. There’s no reason 2017 shouldn’t be the year you put a big beautiful check mark next to your goals!
Create vision boards
Think of a vision board as a Pinterest board you can keep in sight all year long.
If everyone brings a stack of old magazines, a foam board and their own pair of scissors, you’ll have the ingredients you need to make vision boards. Paste things that inspire you, embody what you want yourself to have this year, or even just things you think are pretty.
As wellness expert Elizabeth Rider writes, it’s important to also include things that also evoke the feelings you’ll need to bring yourself closer to your resolutions, so take that into account while choosing your images.
Your vision board can include:
Places you want to go
Fitness idols
Role models
Relaxing scenery
Your vision board, your decision. Just throw in some glue sticks, good tunes and a fire pit. As Rider says, “The purpose of your vision board is to bring everything to life.”
Verbally confirm your resolutions
As I mentioned, you may not know exactly what your resolution is yet. Hearing what other people have decided to commit to may give you ideas. If everyone takes turns letting the group know what their resolutions are, and pauses to bounce ideas around for anyone who’s undecided, it will cement the certainty every person needs to create actionable goals and begin to move forward.
Images via Brit + Co.
If you really want to get fun and fancy, Brit + Co has an awesome idea for DIY Confetti Fortune Balloons. Write your resolution on a small piece of paper, roll it up, stuff it into a balloon with some confetti, and pop it with your friends at the end of the party!
Set deadlines and meeting dates
Setting deadlines for yourself can help you get an idea of how long you have to accomplish something, and what the distribution of your time and efforts will look like throughout the year.
For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds, you should be 5 pounds down by June, so make an appointment with your scale. If your kickoff party crew is willing to have another meetup once a quarter, now is a good time to establish those expectations for maximum turnout.
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