From a young age, I knew that I loved telling stories. Once I got my first computer (in the patient days of AOL dial-up) I spent hours writing short stories that grew into, well, longer stories. In high school, I started writing for the school paper. I continued that tradition into my UC Davis days, when I wrote a weekly column and the occasional features piece.
My love of writing became a love of blogging, then social media, and now content development. It’s been quite an adventure – I’ve ghostwritten tweets for Jessie J, defused a PR crisis or two and occasionally woken up at 5 AM to Instagram something for work. I also wrote social copy for The Who once.
I’ve been hitting the “upload” button for the social media channels of Beats Music (pre-Apple acquisition), Sears, Walmart and eBay. Now as a freelance content marketing consultant, I am committed to helping businesses and brands grow. I put my creativity and industry experience to work to deliver optimal content marketing campaigns that facilitate my clients’ goals.
My digital marketing experience includes content marketing, social media calendar development, copywriting, PR, SEO, blog management, customer service and community engagement.
I believe that that there is no one-size-fits-all content marketing strategy. Instead, I form a personal connection to my clients, delivering transparency, expert counsel and service that makes a difference. I strive to represent businesses and organizations as passionate about their products and services as I am.
When it comes to social media, I see a dialog, not a monologue. I believe in letting words act as your brand’s online ambassador and telling stories to take control over how you share that brand with your community.
Offline, I’m a lover of pop culture kitsch who speaks in fluent movie quotes/song lyrics and gets excited about cocktail umbrellas and inflatable unicorn pool floaties. For five years, I was a member of Spinsters of San Francisco. These days, you’re more likely to find me hanging out with the Junior League of Palo Alto-Mid Peninsula and trying to get back into yoga post-pandemic. I’m a proud UC Davis alum who’s reveled in the study of Beer Brewing 101, History of Rock Music and Tractor Driving.