We're all guilty of blowing off our budgets from time to time. Your guilty pleasure might be $12 cosmopolitans, 2x daily Starbucks runs, froyo gossip sessions, brunches, manicures or the Nordstrom semi-annual sale. You don't need to feel remorseful when you splurge. There are so many options these ... VIEW POST
Archives for April 2017
10 Hints Your Friend’s Vacation Was Better on Instagram
Written in collaboration with the fabulous Jessica Nemire of Ready Jess Go. Peep her Insta @readyjessgo. Is there anything more jealousy-inducing than sitting at your desk on a slow Tuesday afternoon, scrolling through Instagram, and seeing that someone you know is on a Carribean beach? The ... VIEW POST
The Single Biggest Mistake Businesses Make on Social Media
There's no one right way to run your business's social media channels. To me, social media is like a perfectly tailored suit. There's no one-size-fits-all solution. You need to measure and optimize until you find what makes your brand look fabulous. That said, there is one major mistake I've seen ... VIEW POST
5 Must-Know Tips for Fostering A Rescue Dog
I've loved animals from a young age. Growing up, I had a variety of pocket pets, but what I really wanted as I grew older was a dog. After finally wearing down my mother, we adopted one. For awhile I was scared that it was hard to have a dog without any experience and I wouldn't know how to handle ... VIEW POST
Why GIRLS Was the Show Every Twentysomething Girl Needed
I was 24 when Girls premiered, just like most of the characters. I remember seeing the trailer for season one, when a gynecologist tells Hannah during an exam, "You couldn't pay me to be 24 again." And I remember thinking, "amen, sister." In season one, Hannah worked an unpaid internship. I ... VIEW POST