A winery with a swimming pool. This is why the Francis Ford Coppola Winery is beyond fantastic. I knew that would get your attention! It certainly got mine, and this is why I am absolutely in love with this winery. It's owned by none other than the legendary film director Francis Ford Coppola, ... VIEW POST
Archives for January 2017
11 Reasons Traveling People Are My Favorite People
Featured image by Morre Christophe via Unsplash. The more I travel, the giddier I get at the thought of traveling. A trip can only be half-planned at best - you can book your tickets, make reservations for the attractions you want to see, and read TripAdvisor reviews until 3 in the morning - but ... VIEW POST
6 Ways to Polish Your Personal Brand
Think of your favorite brand, then consider what draws you to it. Chances are, there’s something about their messaging that really resonates with your personal values – or at least what you find really, really cool. You don’t need to be a PR unicorn to become the boss at [Your Name Here + ... VIEW POST
6 Ways To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
Here’s some real talk: we’re often masters of delusion. We pretend that Thanksgiving is the only day of the year that we overeat, that we’re saving money by Black Friday shopping, and we will magically morph into Marion Jones just by signing up for a 5k. One of the best parts about turning the ... VIEW POST
How to Host A New Year’s Resolution Kickoff Party
Featured image credit: Brooke Lark via Unsplash New Year's resolutions are never a matter of "have to" so much as a "want to." Sometimes they're a "pressured to," since they're such a common topic in January. Whether you're trying to figure out what your resolution should be or just want to start ... VIEW POST