You've read #Girlboss, bought yourself a domain name and are ready to fire up your own empire. Ballin'. I may be a little limited in the business advice I can offer, but I'm always down to be your cheerleader (just drop me a note in the comments if you're into that). For now though, ... VIEW POST
Archives for December 2016
The Year 2016 in 16 Loveable Links
The end of the year is always a great time to pause and reflect. I don't even really need to say that 2016 was many, many things - things that outlets like the New York Times and even Buzzfeed can recap better than I can. But I remember many great voices that I read, shared and contemplated - on ... VIEW POST
La La Land, and 3 Other Amazing Films About Cinema
Cinema is possibly the greatest escape from everyday life that mankind has come up with so far. It's an art form that can transport its viewer immediately from a hotel room in Tokyo to a walk through Central Park. It allows us to experience life through the lens of people we'll never meet, usually ... VIEW POST
5 Life-Enhancing Apps I Downloaded in 2016
Be honest, you probably spend too much time with your smartphone anyway so you may as well make it as good for you as possible. I often read lists like this, download a bunch of stuff and then gradually delete what I don't use as a sort of filtering process. I wouldn't exactly describe myself ... VIEW POST
How Competitive Audits Can Step Up Your Social Game
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Einstein was right. I know that's practically a given, but in this case, it's particularly true. As a professional, you know that running competitive audits are like taking vitamins: you may want to forget them from ... VIEW POST