Every marketer is always on the lookout for a fast, free way to get their message seen by new audiences. One of the most effective approaches is to capitalize on the use of trending hashtags. Example I'm lucky to get 1-2 likes or retweets on any tweet of mine. I'm just not at Justin Bieber's level ... VIEW POST
Archives for September 2016
The Perfect Reading List for a Cozy Fall
Fall is on its way, which means #PSL season is early. Pumpkin patch selfies, tall boots and scarves are about to make a major comeback. The days are getting shorter, the air is getting chillier, and you're inevitably going to be confined indoors at some point. So you might as well get some good ... VIEW POST
6 Tips to Rock a Social Media Internship Interview
So you wanna be a social media ballerina, and you've been invited to audition. You've checked off all the boxes to stand out when you applied for the internship. Before you let a wave of nerves drive you crazy, take a breath and know you've got this. Okay, you've almost got this. The marketing ... VIEW POST
6 Tips to Help You Land a Social Media Internship
So you wanna Snapchat for a living. Believe me, I did not think this was a job when I graduated from college. Facebook was the first channel brands started to adopt, and from there social media marketing has been a never ending digital cocktail party. Sorry John Mayer, we can't stop this ... VIEW POST
5 Empowering Quotes from Amy Poehler
Amy Poehler is the voice you want inside your head - your crack spirit guide, so to speak. She's hilarious, she dispenses uplifting life advice to teenage girls, and we can't forget she's not like a regular mom, she's a cool mom. So cheers to Amy and these 5 empowering quotes from ... VIEW POST